Your Stories
Summer soup kitchen Genesis gives kids more than a meal
"Hunger never takes a holiday."
New guild supports Catholic medical professionals and ethics
“The Dominican motto is veritas, or truth, which is what we are seeking.”
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ – September 2024
Christ Jesus can use suffering for good when we unite it to his on the cross.
Spotlight Books
Spotlight Books opened May 1 and offers vintage, rare and first edition books.
Order of Secular Franciscans celebrate the legacy of their patron
Your Life
Do something grand
Part II: World Day for Grandparent and Elderly
National Suicide Prevention Month
Suicide doesn’t discriminate by nationality, race, language, religion or status
Spreading the word and mission of grief support with compassionate cafés
“Attendees are happy to have a place to share their grief experience and journey.”
Vía Fidelis y Avivamiento: Proclamar la fe
La fe que hemos recibido, la fe que atesoramos, exige ser proclamada.
La huella de una cena en familia
Your Faith
We become blessings by sharing the love of God
Sharing the Father's love is a profound way we can celebrate and reflect the love of God the Father and become a blessing to those most in need.
A patron saint who ‘gets us’
Our Lady of Sorrows speaks to the hearts of the distressed and grieving.
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo – Septiembre 2024
Cristo Jesús puede utilizar este sufrimiento para el bien cuando lo unimos al suyo en la cruz.
Via Fidelis and Revival: Proclaiming the Faith
The faith we have received, the faith we treasure, demands to be proclaimed.