Your Stories
Class of 2025
Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune will ordain 20 men to the permanent diaconate on Feb. 1, 2025.
Vía Fidelis: Nuestro viaje comienza
Desde la creación hasta Cristo, redescubramos y proclamemos el Evangelio.
El Día de las Velitas para la Inmaculada
La víspera del 8 de diciembre de 1854, día en que el Papa Pio IX promulgó el dog...
Resilience amid the storm: A family Christmas rediscovered
When we prepare for the season, we have choices: What brings us closer to God? What brings our family closer together?
The Holy Face of Jesus is a devotion for our times
Your Life
The stress that stole Christmas
Here are a few practical thoughts to keep Christmas under control this year.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ – December 2024
Our great commission as Christians is to go out into the fields and proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ advent.
Beyond digital tracking, Advent calls us to holy watchfulness
I clicked “buy now” and almost instantly wondered, would it arrive tomorrow? By ...
Days of darkness become light
We’re approaching the shortest day of the year, and we are in the midst of the darkest yet most lit-up season.
Los caminos que conducen a Dios: Los valores cristianos
Your Faith
Via Fidelis: Our journey begins
From creation to Christ, let’s rediscover and proclaim the Gospel.
Via Fidelis: Year 1: Proclaim the Faith
Evangelization only takes a spark.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo – Diciembre 2024
Se nos ha dado el don invaluable de un camino claro hacia nuestro Padre en el ci...
Las mentiras y verdades acerca de San Nicolás
¿San Nicolás vivió en el Polo Norte?San Nicolás vivió en Myra, hoy en día es la ...