My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ – December 2023
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My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
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My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As we journey through the season of Advent, we draw closer to the peaceful and glorious birth of Jesus in the stable. We join Mary and Joseph on their travels to Bethlehem amid the Roman census. Our world, like theirs, is constantly in a state of noise and movement. But that night, when Christ was born, a silence broke through and made its presence known among men. The Word of God, the still, small voice, became flesh.
We read in the Gospel of Matthew, “Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. It will be as when a man who was going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them” (25:13-14). Who could have guarded humanity's greatest treasure better than Mary and Joseph? They did not know when Christ would arrive on their journey, but they remained steadfast and cast their worries before the Almighty.
Since that night, in that little town called Bethlehem, the world has never been the same. On Christmas, we were given a Savior, and we are called to enthrone him in our hearts and minds. Let us imitate Mary and Joseph's perseverance and childlike obedience to our heavenly Father, following their example as we await Christ's arrival. We must remain dedicated to our journeys in the hope that one day we will meet our Lord, truly human and truly divine, face to face.
Christ is the greatest gift we could have ever asked, hoped or dreamed for, and we must share this gift with our world. And so I wish you and your loved ones a prayerful Advent season, and a very Merry Christmas.
Rejoice, our savior is born! In Christ’s love,
Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS
Bishop of Charleston