Black Catholic heritage and liturgy celebrated
The Black Catholic Heritage Mass was celebrated Jan. 25 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston. The event, designed to honor the rich cultural heritage and contributions of Black Catholics, drew an enthusiastic congregation despite challenging, icy weather conditions earlier in the week.
The Black Catholic Heritage Mass was celebrated Jan. 25 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston. The event, designed to honor the rich cultural heritage and contributions of Black Catholics, drew an enthusiastic congregation despite challenging, icy weather conditions earlier in the week.
Massgoers were warmly welcomed by Father Michael Okere, Diocese of Charleston vicar for Black Catholics, who expressed gratitude for the gathering. Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, celebrated the liturgy after Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory, who had been scheduled as the main celebrant, was unable to attend due to the hazardous winter weather that left much of the lowcountry covered in ice and snow.
Explaining the cardinal’s absence, Bishop Fabre said he spoke with Cardinal Gregory on the phone, and told him “he owes us one.” The congregation responded with understanding laughter.
During his welcome, Bishop Fabre made a special effort to connect with the youngest attendees. He invited children to come forward and gather at the steps of the altar, where he engaged them in a brief conversation about the theme of the Mass.
“Is this going to be a Black Mass?” he asked, prompting some quiet murmurs in affirmation. He then explained that while Catholics around the world may express their faith in different ways, they are united in the Universal Church, sharing the same Liturgy and core beliefs. “There is only one Mass,” he said.
Bishop Fabre turned his attention to five deacons seated in the pews, inviting them to stand and come forward.
“I have a vision,” he said, “and you are going to help me with this vision. By 2026, for Holy Saturday, I will not accept less than 150 Black people entering the Church.”
The congregation responded with applause, affirming the bishop’s commitment to evangelization and growth within the Black Catholic community. Bishop Fabre then shared his plans for expanding Catholic education, saying that in the next two years, “we will have 14 new pre-k Catholic schools, and they will all be in places where people are less fortunate.”
The bishop emphasized his focus on serving the underserved, particularly of young people and families. He tasked the deacons to work closely with youth and extend invitations to join the Church, underscoring the vital role of outreach and personal connection in achieving this vision.
In a personal anecdote, Bishop Fabre recounted his experience seeking a barbershop on his arrival in Charleston. Venturing “to the other side of the tracks” in his clerical attire, he entered a shop where the barbers asked if he was a minister. When he confirmed that he was, they asked which church he served.
“I said the Catholic Church,” the bishop recalled, “and they said, ‘The Catholic Church? You belong to that white man’s church?’” He used the story to highlight misconceptions about Catholicism and the importance of changing perceptions.
“We have to erase that,” he said. “The deacons are going to help. You are the fishermen, and God will be in charge.”
Though Cardinal Gregory was unable to attend, his prepared homily was read to the congregation by Msgr. D. Anthony Droze, vicar general. It delved into the complexities of race relations in the United States, drawing an analogy to the Greek myth of Sisyphus.
“We never seem to be able to make any lasting, demonstrable progress that provides satisfaction for everyone,” the cardinal wrote. “There are moments of apparent hope when everyone can see the top of the hill and a horizon of genuine progress, only to find that the great stone with which we are grappling has begun to roll backward.”
Cardinal Gregory also addressed concerns about systemic injustices and social inequities that continue to impact communities of color. Quoting syndicated columnist Clarence Page, he acknowledged that some African Americans perceive a national paranoia stemming from historical and ongoing discrimination. While recognizing these fears, the cardinal urged the congregation to focus on hope and mutual understanding.
“There are many people — African Americans and white Americans — who want to advance the state of our communications, support interracial collaboration, and promote genuine mutual respect,” he wrote. “It is to those people, of good will and of hopeful hearts, whom we need both to speak and to pray.”
The homily also highlighted the struggles faced by other marginalized groups, including women and Hispanic, Asian and Native Americans, emphasizing the universal call to address social inequities while acknowledging the specific challenges central to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s mission.
In closing, Cardinal Gregory challenged attendees to confront their shared history with both honesty and hope.
“If we cannot move beyond and learn from our history, we will have no tomorrow in which to hope,” he wrote, urging the congregation to let go of biases and embrace a future rooted in faith and unity.
The Mass concluded with expressions of gratitude from Bishop Fabre, who thanked the choir for their contributions. The choir featured representatives from the churches of St. Anthony of Padua in Greenville, St. Martin de Porres in Columbia and St. Patrick in Charleston, all directed by Charlton Singleton, a Grammy-award winner and music director of St. Patrick.
The Black Catholic Heritage Mass served as a powerful reminder of the importance of unity, faith and cultural celebration within the Universal Church. As Bishop Fabre’s vision for growth and outreach takes shape, the diocese looks forward to a future filled with hope and shared purpose.
Deirdre C. Mays is a writer and photojournalist, and the former editor of The Catholic Miscellany. Email her at dcmphotoj@gmail.com.