Become a peacemaker
“Let the peace of Christ control your hearts.” (Col 3:15)
“Let the peace of Christ control your hearts.” (Col 3:15)
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If you take a look around it’s pretty easy to see that our world lacks peace and is, in many ways, broken. This reality can feel dark and hopeless at times, and yet Jesus tells us numerous times in the Gospels to be not afraid. He gives us the gift of his peace and we, as Christians, are called to share this peace with others. So how do we tap into the peace that is not of this world and become peacemakers for others?
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If you take a look around it’s pretty easy to see that our world lacks peace and is, in many ways, broken. This reality can feel dark and hopeless at times, and yet Jesus tells us numerous times in the Gospels to be not afraid. He gives us the gift of his peace and we, as Christians, are called to share this peace with others. So how do we tap into the peace that is not of this world and become peacemakers for others?
The source
This peace is God’s peace. It comes from the Father. This peace isn’t something we achieve by working hard enough or under the perfect conditions, but it is a gift we can receive at any time because of who our Father is. When we remember that we are beloved sons and daughters of God, we can ask for real and lasting peace to take with us into our friendships, schools and relationships.
The journey
Because we live in a broken world, we have to remember that God’s abundant peace doesn’t equal a lack of struggle in our lives. The peace he gives doesn’t mean that suddenly life is easy, but it does mean that as we face hardships our hearts can rest in him. It also means that we have real tools to navigate even the greatest of trials, and that God is our firm foundation to navigate whatever life may throw at us.
Be the peace
Relying on our relationship with God and his abundant peace allows us to not only turn to him for real peace, but also to be his peace for others. If you struggle with anxiety, insecurity or hopelessness at times, God is calling you to speak his peace into the lives of others who share these burdens. It doesn’t mean you have to have it all together or have all the answers, but it does mean you are allowing God to work through you to share his real and lasting peace.
Practical peace
So how do we actually share this peace with others? The first step is leaning into prayer and inviting God into our fears and worries every day. From a relationship with the source of peace we can share our peace and also be present with those who are struggling and afraid. God as the perfect Father is always there to listen to us in prayer, and he invites you to be present in the same way for others, reminding them of their worth in Christ. Just as God is always present to us, we as imitators of Christ are able to be a tangible experience of peace to those God has put into our lives.
While the world may be broken, God has overcome the world. By placing our trust in him and allowing him to use us as his instruments, we can be a sign to others of the peace the world cannot give.
Adam Cross is a licensed marriage and family therapist in California, and he worked as a youth minister at his local parish for 8 years. Adam loves to integrate the Catholic faith into his therapy practice.