My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ – May 2024
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As Catholics, we dedicate the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our mother. I want to discuss Mary’s role in our lives as we work and participate in our neighborhoods and communities.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As Catholics, we dedicate the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our mother. I want to discuss Mary’s role in our lives as we work and participate in our neighborhoods and communities.
Mary is committed to our well-being. She is a watchful guide and advocate in every moment of our lives because we are her adopted children. She takes joy in our accomplishments and feels sorrow in our shortcomings. It is important that as we go about the tasks of everyday life we call on her to present our good works to her most holy Son.
Mary cared for St. Joseph as he toiled daily as a carpenter and as they raised young Jesus together. She stands supportive of us just as she did when Christ began his earthly ministry. She has a silent and assuring love for each of us, and she calls us to accomplish great things.
The clearest example in her own life was during the wedding feast at Cana where she said to Jesus, “They have no wine.” She called others around her to “do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:3-5). Every day, Mary stands beside us and speaks quietly into our hearts that we should accomplish the mission of her Son, our Lord, to the best of our abilities and in our own unique capacity in life. And we listen to our Mother, just as Jesus listened to her and performed a miracle.
We know that there is great dignity to work, and it is our vocation. Let us respond to our calling with the aid of the greatest advocate before the throne of God imaginable. Let us dedicate everything we do to the glory of God, to Jesus through Mary.
As St. Marcellin Champagnat, Marist founder, expressed so profoundly, “Without Mary we are nothing and with Mary we have everything, because Mary always has her adorable Son within her arms or in her heart.”
In Christ’s love,
Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS
Bishop of Charleston