My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am delighted to introduce the new Bishop of Charleston, Most Rev. Jacques Fabre, CS, who will be ordained and installed at the end of this month. I am confident that his leadership will bring a deeper sense of unity, love and peace throughout our diocese, and I pray for the success of his mission to serve the Church.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am delighted to introduce the new Bishop of Charleston, Most Rev. Jacques Fabre, CS, who will be ordained and installed at the end of this month. I am confident that his leadership will bring a deeper sense of unity, love and peace throughout our diocese, and I pray for the success of his mission to serve the Church.
What a joyous way for us to conclude the season of Lent and prepare ourselves to commemorate the Paschal Mystery.
During Holy Week, we celebrate the solemnity of Christ’s passion, death and glorious resurrection.
In that sacred moment, when Christ was sacrificed on the cross, Our Lord took the sins of the world upon his shoulders, in order that we might be redeemed. As the New Adam, Christ restored the natural order that had been lost by our fallen ancestors. In total submission to his Heavenly Father, Christ gave us the perfect example of complete surrender to God’s plan.
During his earthly ministry, Jesus taught us how to live in relationship with the Father. With the institution of the Holy Sacraments, he gave us the opportunity to receive sanctifying grace and foster heavenly virtues.
This Easter, let us pray for the strength to carry out the responsibilities of our vocations with the courage of the victorious Christ.
This month, we also celebrate Earth Day, which reminds us of the vocation we must all cherish to preserve the world we live in. In Genesis, God gave our ancestors the duty to “fill the earth and subdue it.” Today, we share the same calling to care for the world — a gift that God gave us so freely for our enjoyment.
Let us give thanks that we have gained such a Redeemer. I wish you all a blessed Easter season, and a happy spring.
In the Lord’s peace,
Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, DD
Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Charleston