My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we enter the season of Lent, we prepare for the sacred mystery of Our Lord’s most painful death and glorious Resurrection. Jesus lived on this earth united to us by taking on humanity itself. He expressed his love to us in many ways through enduring the sufferings of this world, brought about through the fall of our ancestors, Adam and Eve. Christ revealed to us that suffering has a spiritual purpose — offering it up, joined to him and without complaint, allows us to express our love more deeply to God and neighbor.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we enter the season of Lent, we prepare for the sacred mystery of Our Lord’s most painful death and glorious Resurrection. Jesus lived on this earth united to us by taking on humanity itself. He expressed his love to us in many ways through enduring the sufferings of this world, brought about through the fall of our ancestors, Adam and Eve. Christ revealed to us that suffering has a spiritual purpose — offering it up, joined to him and without complaint, allows us to express our love more deeply to God and neighbor.
There are many scenes in the New Testament that show us the torture, sorrow and pains that Jesus received in his earthly life: the men and women he healed often forgot to thank him for the blessings he bestowed; one of his closest followers betrayed him with a kiss. He was tempted by the devil for 40 days in the desert. He was beaten, spat upon and crucified to open the gates of paradise even to the very people who hated him. And throughout all the trials and tribulations he encountered, he constantly gave all that he had, all his gifts and his love, to those around him.
This month we celebrate the life of St. Joseph, who loved Jesus and Mary so much that he endured personal discomfort for their benefit and listened and trusted in the Lord completely.
We’ll also focus on the work being done by our Catholic Charities for those facing hardship. We will read about the incredible work being done for mothers experiencing crises, and what our parishes can do to help.
Sacrifice, while certainly uncomfortable in nature, is a source of strength, physically and spiritually. We have the perfect example of it in God’s perfect Son. This Lent, let us challenge ourselves to make sacrifices to better ourselves, our families and our communities, offer all that we do for the greater glory of God, and pray for the intercession of St. Joseph to give us the strength to endure to the glory of the Resurrection.
In the Lord’s peace,
Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, DD
Bishop of Charleston