My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Every October, we celebrate Respect Life Month, when we consider more deeply why every human life has dignity and is valuable and worthy. We are called as Catholics to stand for life and actively participate to build a culture that cherishes and protects every human person from conception to natural death.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Every October, we celebrate Respect Life Month, when we consider more deeply why every human life has dignity and is valuable and worthy. We are called as Catholics to stand for life and actively participate to build a culture that cherishes and protects every human person from conception to natural death.
Within the last year, the state of South Carolina enacted the Heartbeat Bill, which bans an abortion when a fetal heartbeat is detected. Although this law has been challenged in the courts, our diocese and people of faith will continue to advocate for legislation that affirms the dignity of the unborn.
We also are putting our faith into practice by providing shelter and refuge to our most vulnerable. On the feast of St. Clare of Assisi, Aug. 11, I was delighted to celebrate and bless the grand opening of St. Clare’s Home — a haven for unwed, homeless, pregnant women and their unborn and already-born children.
St. Clare’s mission is to restore hope and save lives, and this ministry could not be more of a testament to the mission of the Church. It is just one of the many ways we are working to protect human life from unborn children to the immigrant and homeless.
This month’s magazine also features the important work of our prison ministry; of bringing the Body and Blood of Christ to those who are in need of healing, from care homes to prisons; of the beautiful, selfless work of hospice ministry; and also the story of Isabella, a young girl whose life is a testimony to perseverance and faith.
In this year of St. Joseph, may we seek the intercession of the powerful defender of the Church to guide and protect our continued efforts in the Respect Life movement. St. Joseph’s unwavering trust in God’s will, as he protected the Blessed Mother and the Lord Jesus, bears witness to our call as Catholics always to stand for life and trust in our God.
In the Lord’s peace,
Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, DD
Bishop of Charleston