My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In this edition of The Catholic Miscellany, we will focus on education as we plan for our students to return to school this month. There are stories of the good work done for special needs students, a spotlight on just one of our many incredible teachers, families who choose to homeschool and a talented basketball star from Columbia. Within this, I’d like for us to take a moment to think about the role of education in our vocations as Catholics.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In this edition of The Catholic Miscellany, we will focus on education as we plan for our students to return to school this month. There are stories of the good work done for special needs students, a spotlight on just one of our many incredible teachers, families who choose to homeschool and a talented basketball star from Columbia. Within this, I’d like for us to take a moment to think about the role of education in our vocations as Catholics.
We, as God’s children, are naturally drawn to our creator. God gave us an intellect to know him, and we grow in this knowledge through reason and revelation. In other words, to learn is to be fully human, and to glorify God, learning is a necessity.
Learning is essential to a well-rounded prayer life, for in formal education we come to an understanding of the one we are communicating with in prayer, and the beautiful world that he made for us. Particularly, we learn how to pray through reading Scripture and the lives of the saints.
Each of us is called to be students as well as teachers, and Christ is the perfect example of this relationship within us.
In the Gospel of Luke, we hear that Jesus listened to the elders at the temple and asked them questions. We also know that he lived with and learned the trade of his earthly father, St. Joseph. Christ teaches us to approach education with curiosity, childlike trust and a desire to discover more about our Father in heaven.
Throughout his ministry, Jesus made it a priority to share his knowledge with those around him. His disciples called him “teacher” and “master,” and rightly so. He came to the world to redeem us by his blood and also to enlighten as the Word Incarnate.
School is our second home where we begin to learn how to live in a larger family. Let us pray that God blesses all of our students and teachers this academic year, for their safety and sanctity, and that the Holy Spirit enkindle within them a desire for the love of God, understanding and wisdom.
In Christ’s love,
Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS
Bishop of Charleston