Meet your Seminarians – Michael Ghattas
The Serra Club is working with The Catholic Miscellany to provide a series of profiles on the Diocese of Charleston’s seminarians. We invite you to meet one of the men in formation to be a priest in South Carolina.
The Serra Club is working with The Catholic Miscellany to provide a series of profiles on the Diocese of Charleston’s seminarians. We invite you to meet one of the men in formation to be a priest in South Carolina.
Michael Ghattas is in his second year of theology at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Michael is from St. Andrew Church in Myrtle Beach.
Which part of your vocation gives you the most joy?
I am always overjoyed whenever I am able to show someone God’s love for them. Nowadays, many do not know that they have a Father who is deeply in love with them and will always watch over them. I hope and pray that I can deliver this message to everyone I encounter.
Which part of your vocation has been the most difficult or surprising?
The most difficult part for me was to learn to totally surrender to God’s will and to give him my total trust. It is very relieving to depend on him in every aspect of my life, but it is also very challenging since I am still growing in my faith and virtue.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I remember telling everyone that I want to be an inventor. I used to take my toys apart and try to invent a new toy with them. Needless to say, I have created more fires and explosions than any functioning toy.
What do you want people to remember you for?
I believe that my legacy, and the legacy of all priests, is Christ. We do not have our own kids or family so that Christ can take every aspect of our lives. With that, I hope that after I am gone, people do not necessarily remember me but remember Christ and his love for them. I hope to help people to create a relationship with Christ who loves them. And when I am gone, this relationship should not be affected or changed whatsoever.
Why is the Church’s emphasis on the Eucharist important?
The Eucharist is the true presence of Jesus in all his body, blood, soul and divinity. In other words, he is literally living and here with us in 2023. If the Church does not emphasize the importance of this message, I do not know what else she should be doing.
Why is the Church’s devotion to our Blessed Mother important?
The devotion to our mother is such a great gift that Jesus gave us as he was dying on the cross. Having a mother who loves us and cares for us in our daily worries and concerns is simply a blessing. Just as she asked Jesus to save the wedding at Cana, she has a special way to intervene for us with our daily requests. She has the heart of a mother in front of her children’s needs. She would go beyond our imagination to do what is best for us.
Why is the Church’s devotion to St. Joseph important?
St. Joseph is the example of how we ought to live our Christian life. He was a man of this world who had to provide [for] and protect his family. We should look up to him and follow his way of life when it comes to his faith, dependence on God, his faithfulness to his family and above all his humility. St. Joseph accepted his nothingness. He accepted that he cannot do anything without God’s grace and willingness. He did not seek glory or recognition. One of the main things we know about him in the Gospels is that “When [he] woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had told him” (Mt 1:24). He is my favorite saint, and I hope to become as humble and simple as he is. I hope to love my nothingness as he does.