Letter from the CFO
I am pleased to provide you with the Chancery of the Diocese of Charleston’s Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2023. An independent public accounting firm has provided an unmodified opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects.
I am pleased to provide you with the Chancery of the Diocese of Charleston’s Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2023. An independent public accounting firm has provided an unmodified opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects.
The financial operations of the Chancery are supported by the gifts of the faithful throughout the diocese, the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina and income from our investments. We are dedicated to being good stewards of the funds in our care and are renewed in our determination that they be directed toward fulfilling the mission of Jesus Christ.
Our expenses will be rooted in providing support to our parishes, missions and schools so that they can continue their work to evangelize all people, form and educate disciples and provide dignified care for God’s people and creation.
The Catholic Church in South Carolina is growing! We remain grateful for your steadfast commitment to charity and generosity, as it is just one of the ways you demonstrate your love for our Church and our fellow members of the body of Christ. As Jesus reminds us in Luke’s Gospel, “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be” (12:34).
I invite you to view the full report at charlestondiocese.org/finance/resources, located under audits.
Thank you to all who have reached out with messages of support, prayers and well-wishes as I began my role as your chief financial officer in September. I ask that you continue to pray for me that I may serve you with wisdom and humility — for the glory of God alone!
Kelly Engelbert
Chief Financial Officer