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 | By Michael Claiborne

Lancaster parish hosts international pro-life advocate

Our Lady of Grace Church in Indian Land hosted internationally acclaimed pro-life advocate Obianuju Ekeocha for a talk and reception on Dec. 3, 2021. The event took place as public attention locally and across the country was focused on the U.S. Supreme Court, which heard arguments on a case that could lead to overturning Roe V. Wade, a controversial decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

Ekeocha was born in Nigeria and educated in the United Kingdom as a specialist biomedical scientist. She is the founder and president of Culture for Life Africa, an organization dedicated to promoting African women’s voices against attacks on the sanctity of life and the dignity of motherhood. Ekeocha has advised numerous parliaments, congresses, heads of state, United Nations delegations and ambassadors on pro-life and pro-family issues. She has been featured as a writer and speaker in a wide range of international media outlets.

During her visit to Our Lady of Grace, Ekeocha delivered a talk on defending the culture of life, shedding light on the pro-life movement in the United States from global and historical perspectives. She noted that during the COVID-19 pandemic, first-world countries devoted millions of dollars in donations to fund abortions in developing countries such as Nigeria that lacked basic medical equipment to respond to the pandemic.

“Where do you fit in history?” she asked. “You don’t have a chance to fight slavery. You don’t have a chance to fight Hitler. You and I have a chance to fight the human right abuse of abortion.” Immediately after the talk, Ekoecha attended an evening reception with parishioners and other members of the Indian Land and Lancaster community. She also met with local pro-life leaders at a luncheon on Saturday.

“At this hopeful moment in the pro-life movement, it is truly an honor to host Obianuju at our parish,” said Father Jeffrey Kirby, pastor of Our Lady of Grace. “Obianuju is a role model to all of us who believe that every human life matters and is worth defending. I pray that her visit will inspire members of our community and our civic leaders to honor the sanctity of all human life.” Under Father Kirby’s leadership, Our Lady of Grace has actively campaigned for pro-life causes locally. On Nov. 27, 2021, more than 320 parishioners staged a peaceful demonstration outside of an abortion clinic in Charlotte, N.C. The parish plans to continue its campaign to defend the unborn and oppose abortion.

Michael Claiborne is director of communications & community relations for Our Lady of Grace Church. Email him at or visit