Annual Appeal is Redirected to a Statewide Effort
It is the People of God Who Act as the Hands and Feet of Christ Daily
It is the People of God Who Act as the Hands and Feet of Christ Daily
As Catholic Christians, we pray to God for guidance and healing, for the outpouring of blessings for ourselves and our neighbors. We believe in the Lord’s infinite goodness and mercy. We understand that when he provides us with an answer, it is a blessing and a gift.
As Catholic Christians, we pray to God for guidance and healing, for the outpouring of blessings for ourselves and our neighbors. We believe in the Lord’s infinite goodness and mercy. We understand that when he provides us with an answer, it is a blessing and a gift.
Though it may seem like our prayers sometimes go without answers, the Lord is still working to provide for the needs of our spirits, minds and bodies. Oftentimes, God calls us to be instruments of his love, and an answer to the prayers of those around us:
- For the mother in Greenville who prays for enough food to feed her children, you could be the answer.
- For parents in Summerville praying their child with special needs can find friendship and support in our Catholic schools
- For a seminarian from the Charleston area praying to discern his calling with diligence and spiritual direction, you could be the answer.
In the short time that I have been your bishop, I have seen the beauty of a congregation that works to share its blessings for the good of others. I have seen the impact of our community of faith when we come together to practice Christ’s calling to help one another. All of this is accomplished by your generosity and love, which is why I am pleased to announce the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina.
Formerly the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, the focus of this effort is to bring us together as Catholic Christians from across the state to bolster programs, ministries, schools and parishes. This is not for me as bishop or for one city over another. It is the people of God who act as the hands and feet of Christ daily.
A donation to the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina — whether large or small — means that we are sharing our blessings for the needs of our brothers and sisters, the impoverished, the vulnerable and underserved, our children and many others. Our faithful participation increases the visibility of the Church and its mission out to a world that yearns for the comforting heart of Christ Jesus.
As our Catholic family continues to grow, I pray that you will consider joining this renewed endeavor to keep our Church flourishing. Support of the Catholic Appeal of South Carolina is an answer to someone’s prayer. As we journey together into the future, let us be teachers of his children, servants of his people and givers of his love. Let us be together. Let us be Catholic!
May the Lord God bless you and Christ’s love sustain you.
Goal for 2023
Vocations, Seminarians, Retired Priests | $975,000
- Education and Formation
- Ongoing Supplemental Training
- Monthly Retirement Pensions
Ministry and Outreach | $1,500,000
- Assistance to Parishes
- Black Catholic & Native American Ministry and Programs
- Catechetical & Evangelization Programs
- Child Protective Services
- Education Support for Social Issues
- Family Life Ministry and Programs
- Hispanic Ministry and Programs
- Mental Health Support Services
- Outreach Center Support
- Clare’s Home of Joyful Hope
- Women Religious Working in Economically Challenged Areas
Catholic Charities of South Carolina | $850,000
- An Assisted Living Facility (Carter May Home)
- Counseling Services
- Dental & Wellness Care (Save-a-Smile)
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Food Pantries
- Immigration Services
- Laundry and Shower Facilities (Clean of Heart)
- Pregnancy Case Management
- Prison Ministry
- Response Preparedness
- Senior Care Management
Catholic Schools | $750,000
- Catholic School Grants
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Endowment for Tuition Assistance
- Support for Specific Catholic School Initiatives
College Campus Ministry | $650,000
- Professional Campus Ministry personnel
- New Liturgical Vessels and Books for Mass
- Stipends to Campus Ministers
- Campus Ministry Conferences and Associations
- Training for Campus Ministers and Student Leaders
- Start-up and Special Project Costs
- Print Materials and Technology
- Student Retreat Opportunities
- Spaces to serve as Campus Ministry Student Centers
Youth & Young Adult Ministry | $275,000
- The Office of Youth Ministry
- The Office of Young Adult Ministry
Join us at charlestondiocese.org/catholic-appeal and watch a video with some of the great works accomplished across South Carolina because of your generosity.